Written by Louisa Rodriguez - http://www.louisarodriguez.co.uk
Saturday 6th December, alarm goes off at 5.45 am, its freezing inside, icy outside! I think to myself I must be mad and then find myself getting out of bed! I had a run to do - Frostbite 30!
I love challenging myself through running, marathons and especially Ultra Runs, from the first ultra race I did I loved it! 2014 has been a year that has been a rollercoaster, where I have faced many different challenges. Running is a love of mine, it has kept me going through so many different challenges in my life, when I run I get peace, clear my head, guess you could say its like meditation for me. I love ultra running because it just proves what we are capable of when we put our mind to it, how amazing our bodies are when we believe in what they can do! Every ultra running race is a journey, your mind and body have to fight through pain barriers, be pushed to keep going when it wants to stop.
I wanted to end the year with doing a running challenge on my own and raise some money for a charity I know do brilliant work around a cause close to my heart. I would run for the challenge of it but also to raise money for Leeds charity Behind Closed Doors, they support women and men who are going through or have been affected by domestice violence.
On the way to the race there was the most beautiful sunrise amongst the stunning scenary of the Yorkshire countryside. Normally pre - race I feel anxious, nervous but on this morning there was no such nerves, good sign. I was feeling brave as I decided to wear shorts for the race despite the freezing conditions, my pink shorts with my bright socks meant I would stand out thats for sure, hopefully I could be spotted if I found myself lost!
The race began, it was icy, beautifully sunny, the countryside stunning and would remain so throughout the race, straight away it was clear how friendly everyone was, as people laughed, chatted along as we ran. There was even some singing, christmas songs and Dolly Parton, not quite sure how that was chosen! Everyone involved in the race was so friendly, the runners, the photographers and the marshalls. It was such an amazing atmosphere, other runners checking in on each other if they had slowed down, chatting away to people you had never met, laughing as we ran down the hills trying not to slip. At mile 20 I just felt like a big kid on an adventure, the beautiful countryside, running free within it, with no one around, in the beauty of it all is truly a magical feeling. I just felt so free, embracing the true joy of being in the moment of it all, remembering how amazing being out in nature can be, healing, inspiring and liberating all at once. The marshalls were encourgaing and at the two feed checkpoints ready with hot ribenas, wine gums and my particular favourite was shots of jagermeister! As the miles wore on seeing a friendly marshall cheering you on really did help give a little boost.
The hills throughout were long, hard, steep and at times felt brutal but you just had to keep going. By mile 26 after a particularly tough climb, being battered by icy winds my whole body was hurting but it didnt matter, just got to keep going, I thought of the cause I was running for - domestic violence that shook my head back into it, thinking of the people suffering, battling trying to keep safe, overcoming physical, emotional, mental abuse, being controlled or manipulated all of which can be domestic violence. It kept me going to think of that and raising money for a charity that would help the vicitms of domestic violence.
A mantra I have discovered and used in 2014 is one I borrowed from the Marines "You can slow down but you cant stop, when you fall down, get right back up again stronger and more determined than ever, just keep moving forwards!" It definately helped me through the race, it doesnt matter if you have to slow down just keep going, at one point I did go down flat out on my bottom as I charged down an icy hill, but got right back up again, not prepared to let it stop me. In life, there are going to be times when things get tough, you feel exhausted, it all gets too much and you need to slow down and its ok to slow down, its ok to fall apart as long as you remember to get back up again and remember that what is in the past is exactly that its done, all you have is now, so get up, take the lessons, then dont look back just keep going forwards. In the end life doesnt stop, it keeps going, so whether you want it to or not, you have two choices let it take you down, or say hang on I am going to let this challenge strengthen me and keep going.
Seeing my friend Tiffany at mile 26 waving at me definately gave me a boost, 8 miles to go, time to dig deep and just keep going. The last four miles were the toughest even though it was the flattest bit of the race, everything just hurt! I just gave everything I had, focusing on just keeping moving forwards, when I saw the finish I couldnt quite believe I had made it, 34 miles, 3522 ft of ascent, some serious mud, ice, stunning countryside, a peanut butter sandwich, wine gums, water, 2 shots of jager and a never give up mantra had got me through my first Frostbite 30.
I was hurting and hobbling as I went into into the hall to be greeted by cake and soup, perfect end to an awesome race! I was happy, what an amazing adventure, awesome to have done my 4th ultra challenge, this time just me, not knowing anyone else in the race at the start! I loved every minute of it even when it hurt! I was also able to raise some money for a cause and charity I am passionate about! Roll on 2015 for some new ultra running challenges, lets see how far I go next time!
Frostbite 30 was an awesome challenge to end my year, it is a beautiful, friendly race I would recommend to anyone thinking of entering ultra running, truly its all about putting your mind to it and going for it! A very big thank you to the race director, Rob, the marshalls and his team at Frostbite 30 for an awesome race, to all the runners I met along the way, for making it so fun. A big thank you to my wonderful friend Tiffany for supporting me on the day!
Finally if you would like to donate to Behind Closed Doors the charity I ran for you can do so here: https://www.justgiving.com/Louisa-RodriguezUltraRunner/
- See more at: http://www.louisarodriguez.co.uk/challenge/frostbite
Saturday 6th December, alarm goes off at 5.45 am, its freezing inside, icy outside! I think to myself I must be mad and then find myself getting out of bed! I had a run to do - Frostbite 30!
I love challenging myself through running, marathons and especially Ultra Runs, from the first ultra race I did I loved it! 2014 has been a year that has been a rollercoaster, where I have faced many different challenges. Running is a love of mine, it has kept me going through so many different challenges in my life, when I run I get peace, clear my head, guess you could say its like meditation for me. I love ultra running because it just proves what we are capable of when we put our mind to it, how amazing our bodies are when we believe in what they can do! Every ultra running race is a journey, your mind and body have to fight through pain barriers, be pushed to keep going when it wants to stop.
I wanted to end the year with doing a running challenge on my own and raise some money for a charity I know do brilliant work around a cause close to my heart. I would run for the challenge of it but also to raise money for Leeds charity Behind Closed Doors, they support women and men who are going through or have been affected by domestice violence.
On the way to the race there was the most beautiful sunrise amongst the stunning scenary of the Yorkshire countryside. Normally pre - race I feel anxious, nervous but on this morning there was no such nerves, good sign. I was feeling brave as I decided to wear shorts for the race despite the freezing conditions, my pink shorts with my bright socks meant I would stand out thats for sure, hopefully I could be spotted if I found myself lost!
The race began, it was icy, beautifully sunny, the countryside stunning and would remain so throughout the race, straight away it was clear how friendly everyone was, as people laughed, chatted along as we ran. There was even some singing, christmas songs and Dolly Parton, not quite sure how that was chosen! Everyone involved in the race was so friendly, the runners, the photographers and the marshalls. It was such an amazing atmosphere, other runners checking in on each other if they had slowed down, chatting away to people you had never met, laughing as we ran down the hills trying not to slip. At mile 20 I just felt like a big kid on an adventure, the beautiful countryside, running free within it, with no one around, in the beauty of it all is truly a magical feeling. I just felt so free, embracing the true joy of being in the moment of it all, remembering how amazing being out in nature can be, healing, inspiring and liberating all at once. The marshalls were encourgaing and at the two feed checkpoints ready with hot ribenas, wine gums and my particular favourite was shots of jagermeister! As the miles wore on seeing a friendly marshall cheering you on really did help give a little boost.
The hills throughout were long, hard, steep and at times felt brutal but you just had to keep going. By mile 26 after a particularly tough climb, being battered by icy winds my whole body was hurting but it didnt matter, just got to keep going, I thought of the cause I was running for - domestic violence that shook my head back into it, thinking of the people suffering, battling trying to keep safe, overcoming physical, emotional, mental abuse, being controlled or manipulated all of which can be domestic violence. It kept me going to think of that and raising money for a charity that would help the vicitms of domestic violence.
A mantra I have discovered and used in 2014 is one I borrowed from the Marines "You can slow down but you cant stop, when you fall down, get right back up again stronger and more determined than ever, just keep moving forwards!" It definately helped me through the race, it doesnt matter if you have to slow down just keep going, at one point I did go down flat out on my bottom as I charged down an icy hill, but got right back up again, not prepared to let it stop me. In life, there are going to be times when things get tough, you feel exhausted, it all gets too much and you need to slow down and its ok to slow down, its ok to fall apart as long as you remember to get back up again and remember that what is in the past is exactly that its done, all you have is now, so get up, take the lessons, then dont look back just keep going forwards. In the end life doesnt stop, it keeps going, so whether you want it to or not, you have two choices let it take you down, or say hang on I am going to let this challenge strengthen me and keep going.
Seeing my friend Tiffany at mile 26 waving at me definately gave me a boost, 8 miles to go, time to dig deep and just keep going. The last four miles were the toughest even though it was the flattest bit of the race, everything just hurt! I just gave everything I had, focusing on just keeping moving forwards, when I saw the finish I couldnt quite believe I had made it, 34 miles, 3522 ft of ascent, some serious mud, ice, stunning countryside, a peanut butter sandwich, wine gums, water, 2 shots of jager and a never give up mantra had got me through my first Frostbite 30.
I was hurting and hobbling as I went into into the hall to be greeted by cake and soup, perfect end to an awesome race! I was happy, what an amazing adventure, awesome to have done my 4th ultra challenge, this time just me, not knowing anyone else in the race at the start! I loved every minute of it even when it hurt! I was also able to raise some money for a cause and charity I am passionate about! Roll on 2015 for some new ultra running challenges, lets see how far I go next time!
Frostbite 30 was an awesome challenge to end my year, it is a beautiful, friendly race I would recommend to anyone thinking of entering ultra running, truly its all about putting your mind to it and going for it! A very big thank you to the race director, Rob, the marshalls and his team at Frostbite 30 for an awesome race, to all the runners I met along the way, for making it so fun. A big thank you to my wonderful friend Tiffany for supporting me on the day!
Saturday 6th December, alarm goes off at 5.45 am, its freezing inside, icy outside! I think to myself I must be mad and then find myself getting out of bed! I had a run to do - Frostbite 30!
I love challenging myself through running, marathons and especially Ultra Runs, from the first ultra race I did I loved it! 2014 has been a year that has been a rollercoaster, where I have faced many different challenges. Running is a love of mine, it has kept me going through so many different challenges in my life, when I run I get peace, clear my head, guess you could say its like meditation for me. I love ultra running because it just proves what we are capable of when we put our mind to it, how amazing our bodies are when we believe in what they can do! Every ultra running race is a journey, your mind and body have to fight through pain barriers, be pushed to keep going when it wants to stop.
I wanted to end the year with doing a running challenge on my own and raise some money for a charity I know do brilliant work around a cause close to my heart. I would run for the challenge of it but also to raise money for Leeds charity Behind Closed Doors, they support women and men who are going through or have been affected by domestice violence.
On the way to the race there was the most beautiful sunrise amongst the stunning scenary of the Yorkshire countryside. Normally pre - race I feel anxious, nervous but on this morning there was no such nerves, good sign. I was feeling brave as I decided to wear shorts for the race despite the freezing conditions, my pink shorts with my bright socks meant I would stand out thats for sure, hopefully I could be spotted if I found myself lost!
The race began, it was icy, beautifully sunny, the countryside stunning and would remain so throughout the race, straight away it was clear how friendly everyone was, as people laughed, chatted along as we ran. There was even some singing, christmas songs and Dolly Parton, not quite sure how that was chosen! Everyone involved in the race was so friendly, the runners, the photographers and the marshalls. It was such an amazing atmosphere, other runners checking in on each other if they had slowed down, chatting away to people you had never met, laughing as we ran down the hills trying not to slip. At mile 20 I just felt like a big kid on an adventure, the beautiful countryside, running free within it, with no one around, in the beauty of it all is truly a magical feeling. I just felt so free, embracing the true joy of being in the moment of it all, remembering how amazing being out in nature can be, healing, inspiring and liberating all at once. The marshalls were encourgaing and at the two feed checkpoints ready with hot ribenas, wine gums and my particular favourite was shots of jagermeister! As the miles wore on seeing a friendly marshall cheering you on really did help give a little boost.
The hills throughout were long, hard, steep and at times felt brutal but you just had to keep going. By mile 26 after a particularly tough climb, being battered by icy winds my whole body was hurting but it didnt matter, just got to keep going, I thought of the cause I was running for - domestic violence that shook my head back into it, thinking of the people suffering, battling trying to keep safe, overcoming physical, emotional, mental abuse, being controlled or manipulated all of which can be domestic violence. It kept me going to think of that and raising money for a charity that would help the vicitms of domestic violence.
A mantra I have discovered and used in 2014 is one I borrowed from the Marines "You can slow down but you cant stop, when you fall down, get right back up again stronger and more determined than ever, just keep moving forwards!" It definately helped me through the race, it doesnt matter if you have to slow down just keep going, at one point I did go down flat out on my bottom as I charged down an icy hill, but got right back up again, not prepared to let it stop me. In life, there are going to be times when things get tough, you feel exhausted, it all gets too much and you need to slow down and its ok to slow down, its ok to fall apart as long as you remember to get back up again and remember that what is in the past is exactly that its done, all you have is now, so get up, take the lessons, then dont look back just keep going forwards. In the end life doesnt stop, it keeps going, so whether you want it to or not, you have two choices let it take you down, or say hang on I am going to let this challenge strengthen me and keep going.
Seeing my friend Tiffany at mile 26 waving at me definately gave me a boost, 8 miles to go, time to dig deep and just keep going. The last four miles were the toughest even though it was the flattest bit of the race, everything just hurt! I just gave everything I had, focusing on just keeping moving forwards, when I saw the finish I couldnt quite believe I had made it, 34 miles, 3522 ft of ascent, some serious mud, ice, stunning countryside, a peanut butter sandwich, wine gums, water, 2 shots of jager and a never give up mantra had got me through my first Frostbite 30.
I was hurting and hobbling as I went into into the hall to be greeted by cake and soup, perfect end to an awesome race! I was happy, what an amazing adventure, awesome to have done my 4th ultra challenge, this time just me, not knowing anyone else in the race at the start! I loved every minute of it even when it hurt! I was also able to raise some money for a cause and charity I am passionate about! Roll on 2015 for some new ultra running challenges, lets see how far I go next time!
Frostbite 30 was an awesome challenge to end my year, it is a beautiful, friendly race I would recommend to anyone thinking of entering ultra running, truly its all about putting your mind to it and going for it! A very big thank you to the race director, Rob, the marshalls and his team at Frostbite 30 for an awesome race, to all the runners I met along the way, for making it so fun. A big thank you to my wonderful friend Tiffany for supporting me on the day!
Finally if you would like to donate to Behind Closed Doors the charity I ran for you can do so here: https://www.justgiving.com/Louisa-RodriguezUltraRunner/
Frostbite 30 website: http://www.never-rest.com/
- See more at: http://www.louisarodriguez.co.uk/challenge/frostbite-30#sthash.UudeVIAS.dpufSaturday 6th December, alarm goes off at 5.45 am, its freezing inside, icy outside! I think to myself I must be mad and then find myself getting out of bed! I had a run to do - Frostbite 30!
I love challenging myself through running, marathons and especially Ultra Runs, from the first ultra race I did I loved it! 2014 has been a year that has been a rollercoaster, where I have faced many different challenges. Running is a love of mine, it has kept me going through so many different challenges in my life, when I run I get peace, clear my head, guess you could say its like meditation for me. I love ultra running because it just proves what we are capable of when we put our mind to it, how amazing our bodies are when we believe in what they can do! Every ultra running race is a journey, your mind and body have to fight through pain barriers, be pushed to keep going when it wants to stop.
I wanted to end the year with doing a running challenge on my own and raise some money for a charity I know do brilliant work around a cause close to my heart. I would run for the challenge of it but also to raise money for Leeds charity Behind Closed Doors, they support women and men who are going through or have been affected by domestice violence.
On the way to the race there was the most beautiful sunrise amongst the stunning scenary of the Yorkshire countryside. Normally pre - race I feel anxious, nervous but on this morning there was no such nerves, good sign. I was feeling brave as I decided to wear shorts for the race despite the freezing conditions, my pink shorts with my bright socks meant I would stand out thats for sure, hopefully I could be spotted if I found myself lost!
The race began, it was icy, beautifully sunny, the countryside stunning and would remain so throughout the race, straight away it was clear how friendly everyone was, as people laughed, chatted along as we ran. There was even some singing, christmas songs and Dolly Parton, not quite sure how that was chosen! Everyone involved in the race was so friendly, the runners, the photographers and the marshalls. It was such an amazing atmosphere, other runners checking in on each other if they had slowed down, chatting away to people you had never met, laughing as we ran down the hills trying not to slip. At mile 20 I just felt like a big kid on an adventure, the beautiful countryside, running free within it, with no one around, in the beauty of it all is truly a magical feeling. I just felt so free, embracing the true joy of being in the moment of it all, remembering how amazing being out in nature can be, healing, inspiring and liberating all at once. The marshalls were encourgaing and at the two feed checkpoints ready with hot ribenas, wine gums and my particular favourite was shots of jagermeister! As the miles wore on seeing a friendly marshall cheering you on really did help give a little boost.
The hills throughout were long, hard, steep and at times felt brutal but you just had to keep going. By mile 26 after a particularly tough climb, being battered by icy winds my whole body was hurting but it didnt matter, just got to keep going, I thought of the cause I was running for - domestic violence that shook my head back into it, thinking of the people suffering, battling trying to keep safe, overcoming physical, emotional, mental abuse, being controlled or manipulated all of which can be domestic violence. It kept me going to think of that and raising money for a charity that would help the vicitms of domestic violence.
A mantra I have discovered and used in 2014 is one I borrowed from the Marines "You can slow down but you cant stop, when you fall down, get right back up again stronger and more determined than ever, just keep moving forwards!" It definately helped me through the race, it doesnt matter if you have to slow down just keep going, at one point I did go down flat out on my bottom as I charged down an icy hill, but got right back up again, not prepared to let it stop me. In life, there are going to be times when things get tough, you feel exhausted, it all gets too much and you need to slow down and its ok to slow down, its ok to fall apart as long as you remember to get back up again and remember that what is in the past is exactly that its done, all you have is now, so get up, take the lessons, then dont look back just keep going forwards. In the end life doesnt stop, it keeps going, so whether you want it to or not, you have two choices let it take you down, or say hang on I am going to let this challenge strengthen me and keep going.
Seeing my friend Tiffany at mile 26 waving at me definately gave me a boost, 8 miles to go, time to dig deep and just keep going. The last four miles were the toughest even though it was the flattest bit of the race, everything just hurt! I just gave everything I had, focusing on just keeping moving forwards, when I saw the finish I couldnt quite believe I had made it, 34 miles, 3522 ft of ascent, some serious mud, ice, stunning countryside, a peanut butter sandwich, wine gums, water, 2 shots of jager and a never give up mantra had got me through my first Frostbite 30.
I was hurting and hobbling as I went into into the hall to be greeted by cake and soup, perfect end to an awesome race! I was happy, what an amazing adventure, awesome to have done my 4th ultra challenge, this time just me, not knowing anyone else in the race at the start! I loved every minute of it even when it hurt! I was also able to raise some money for a cause and charity I am passionate about! Roll on 2015 for some new ultra running challenges, lets see how far I go next time!
Frostbite 30 was an awesome challenge to end my year, it is a beautiful, friendly race I would recommend to anyone thinking of entering ultra running, truly its all about putting your mind to it and going for it! A very big thank you to the race director, Rob, the marshalls and his team at Frostbite 30 for an awesome race, to all the runners I met along the way, for making it so fun. A big thank you to my wonderful friend Tiffany for supporting me on the day!
Finally if you would like to donate to Behind Closed Doors the charity I ran for you can do so here: https://www.justgiving.com/Louisa-RodriguezUltraRunner/
Frostbite 30 website: http://www.never-rest.com/
- See more at: http://www.louisarodriguez.co.uk/challenge/frostbite-30#sthash.UudeVIAS.dpufFrostbite 30
Saturday 6th December, alarm goes off at 5.45 am, its freezing inside, icy outside! I think to myself I must be mad and then find myself getting out of bed! I had a run to do - Frostbite 30!
I love challenging myself through running, marathons and especially Ultra Runs, from the first ultra race I did I loved it! 2014 has been a year that has been a rollercoaster, where I have faced many different challenges. Running is a love of mine, it has kept me going through so many different challenges in my life, when I run I get peace, clear my head, guess you could say its like meditation for me. I love ultra running because it just proves what we are capable of when we put our mind to it, how amazing our bodies are when we believe in what they can do! Every ultra running race is a journey, your mind and body have to fight through pain barriers, be pushed to keep going when it wants to stop.
I wanted to end the year with doing a running challenge on my own and raise some money for a charity I know do brilliant work around a cause close to my heart. I would run for the challenge of it but also to raise money for Leeds charity Behind Closed Doors, they support women and men who are going through or have been affected by domestice violence.
On the way to the race there was the most beautiful sunrise amongst the stunning scenary of the Yorkshire countryside. Normally pre - race I feel anxious, nervous but on this morning there was no such nerves, good sign. I was feeling brave as I decided to wear shorts for the race despite the freezing conditions, my pink shorts with my bright socks meant I would stand out thats for sure, hopefully I could be spotted if I found myself lost!
The race began, it was icy, beautifully sunny, the countryside stunning and would remain so throughout the race, straight away it was clear how friendly everyone was, as people laughed, chatted along as we ran. There was even some singing, christmas songs and Dolly Parton, not quite sure how that was chosen! Everyone involved in the race was so friendly, the runners, the photographers and the marshalls. It was such an amazing atmosphere, other runners checking in on each other if they had slowed down, chatting away to people you had never met, laughing as we ran down the hills trying not to slip. At mile 20 I just felt like a big kid on an adventure, the beautiful countryside, running free within it, with no one around, in the beauty of it all is truly a magical feeling. I just felt so free, embracing the true joy of being in the moment of it all, remembering how amazing being out in nature can be, healing, inspiring and liberating all at once. The marshalls were encourgaing and at the two feed checkpoints ready with hot ribenas, wine gums and my particular favourite was shots of jagermeister! As the miles wore on seeing a friendly marshall cheering you on really did help give a little boost.
The hills throughout were long, hard, steep and at times felt brutal but you just had to keep going. By mile 26 after a particularly tough climb, being battered by icy winds my whole body was hurting but it didnt matter, just got to keep going, I thought of the cause I was running for - domestic violence that shook my head back into it, thinking of the people suffering, battling trying to keep safe, overcoming physical, emotional, mental abuse, being controlled or manipulated all of which can be domestic violence. It kept me going to think of that and raising money for a charity that would help the vicitms of domestic violence.
A mantra I have discovered and used in 2014 is one I borrowed from the Marines "You can slow down but you cant stop, when you fall down, get right back up again stronger and more determined than ever, just keep moving forwards!" It definately helped me through the race, it doesnt matter if you have to slow down just keep going, at one point I did go down flat out on my bottom as I charged down an icy hill, but got right back up again, not prepared to let it stop me. In life, there are going to be times when things get tough, you feel exhausted, it all gets too much and you need to slow down and its ok to slow down, its ok to fall apart as long as you remember to get back up again and remember that what is in the past is exactly that its done, all you have is now, so get up, take the lessons, then dont look back just keep going forwards. In the end life doesnt stop, it keeps going, so whether you want it to or not, you have two choices let it take you down, or say hang on I am going to let this challenge strengthen me and keep going.
Seeing my friend Tiffany at mile 26 waving at me definately gave me a boost, 8 miles to go, time to dig deep and just keep going. The last four miles were the toughest even though it was the flattest bit of the race, everything just hurt! I just gave everything I had, focusing on just keeping moving forwards, when I saw the finish I couldnt quite believe I had made it, 34 miles, 3522 ft of ascent, some serious mud, ice, stunning countryside, a peanut butter sandwich, wine gums, water, 2 shots of jager and a never give up mantra had got me through my first Frostbite 30.
I was hurting and hobbling as I went into into the hall to be greeted by cake and soup, perfect end to an awesome race! I was happy, what an amazing adventure, awesome to have done my 4th ultra challenge, this time just me, not knowing anyone else in the race at the start! I loved every minute of it even when it hurt! I was also able to raise some money for a cause and charity I am passionate about! Roll on 2015 for some new ultra running challenges, lets see how far I go next time!
Frostbite 30 was an awesome challenge to end my year, it is a beautiful, friendly race I would recommend to anyone thinking of entering ultra running, truly its all about putting your mind to it and going for it! A very big thank you to the race director, Rob, the marshalls and his team at Frostbite 30 for an awesome race, to all the runners I met along the way, for making it so fun. A big thank you to my wonderful friend Tiffany for supporting me on the day!
Finally if you would like to donate to Behind Closed Doors the charity I ran for you can do so here: https://www.justgiving.com/Louisa-RodriguezUltraRunner/
Frostbite 30 website: http://www.never-rest.com/
Frostbite 30
Saturday 6th December, alarm goes off at 5.45 am, its freezing inside, icy outside! I think to myself I must be mad and then find myself getting out of bed! I had a run to do - Frostbite 30!
I love challenging myself through running, marathons and especially Ultra Runs, from the first ultra race I did I loved it! 2014 has been a year that has been a rollercoaster, where I have faced many different challenges. Running is a love of mine, it has kept me going through so many different challenges in my life, when I run I get peace, clear my head, guess you could say its like meditation for me. I love ultra running because it just proves what we are capable of when we put our mind to it, how amazing our bodies are when we believe in what they can do! Every ultra running race is a journey, your mind and body have to fight through pain barriers, be pushed to keep going when it wants to stop.
I wanted to end the year with doing a running challenge on my own and raise some money for a charity I know do brilliant work around a cause close to my heart. I would run for the challenge of it but also to raise money for Leeds charity Behind Closed Doors, they support women and men who are going through or have been affected by domestice violence.
On the way to the race there was the most beautiful sunrise amongst the stunning scenary of the Yorkshire countryside. Normally pre - race I feel anxious, nervous but on this morning there was no such nerves, good sign. I was feeling brave as I decided to wear shorts for the race despite the freezing conditions, my pink shorts with my bright socks meant I would stand out thats for sure, hopefully I could be spotted if I found myself lost!
The race began, it was icy, beautifully sunny, the countryside stunning and would remain so throughout the race, straight away it was clear how friendly everyone was, as people laughed, chatted along as we ran. There was even some singing, christmas songs and Dolly Parton, not quite sure how that was chosen! Everyone involved in the race was so friendly, the runners, the photographers and the marshalls. It was such an amazing atmosphere, other runners checking in on each other if they had slowed down, chatting away to people you had never met, laughing as we ran down the hills trying not to slip. At mile 20 I just felt like a big kid on an adventure, the beautiful countryside, running free within it, with no one around, in the beauty of it all is truly a magical feeling. I just felt so free, embracing the true joy of being in the moment of it all, remembering how amazing being out in nature can be, healing, inspiring and liberating all at once. The marshalls were encourgaing and at the two feed checkpoints ready with hot ribenas, wine gums and my particular favourite was shots of jagermeister! As the miles wore on seeing a friendly marshall cheering you on really did help give a little boost.
The hills throughout were long, hard, steep and at times felt brutal but you just had to keep going. By mile 26 after a particularly tough climb, being battered by icy winds my whole body was hurting but it didnt matter, just got to keep going, I thought of the cause I was running for - domestic violence that shook my head back into it, thinking of the people suffering, battling trying to keep safe, overcoming physical, emotional, mental abuse, being controlled or manipulated all of which can be domestic violence. It kept me going to think of that and raising money for a charity that would help the vicitms of domestic violence.
A mantra I have discovered and used in 2014 is one I borrowed from the Marines "You can slow down but you cant stop, when you fall down, get right back up again stronger and more determined than ever, just keep moving forwards!" It definately helped me through the race, it doesnt matter if you have to slow down just keep going, at one point I did go down flat out on my bottom as I charged down an icy hill, but got right back up again, not prepared to let it stop me. In life, there are going to be times when things get tough, you feel exhausted, it all gets too much and you need to slow down and its ok to slow down, its ok to fall apart as long as you remember to get back up again and remember that what is in the past is exactly that its done, all you have is now, so get up, take the lessons, then dont look back just keep going forwards. In the end life doesnt stop, it keeps going, so whether you want it to or not, you have two choices let it take you down, or say hang on I am going to let this challenge strengthen me and keep going.
Seeing my friend Tiffany at mile 26 waving at me definately gave me a boost, 8 miles to go, time to dig deep and just keep going. The last four miles were the toughest even though it was the flattest bit of the race, everything just hurt! I just gave everything I had, focusing on just keeping moving forwards, when I saw the finish I couldnt quite believe I had made it, 34 miles, 3522 ft of ascent, some serious mud, ice, stunning countryside, a peanut butter sandwich, wine gums, water, 2 shots of jager and a never give up mantra had got me through my first Frostbite 30.
I was hurting and hobbling as I went into into the hall to be greeted by cake and soup, perfect end to an awesome race! I was happy, what an amazing adventure, awesome to have done my 4th ultra challenge, this time just me, not knowing anyone else in the race at the start! I loved every minute of it even when it hurt! I was also able to raise some money for a cause and charity I am passionate about! Roll on 2015 for some new ultra running challenges, lets see how far I go next time!
Frostbite 30 was an awesome challenge to end my year, it is a beautiful, friendly race I would recommend to anyone thinking of entering ultra running, truly its all about putting your mind to it and going for it! A very big thank you to the race director, Rob, the marshalls and his team at Frostbite 30 for an awesome race, to all the runners I met along the way, for making it so fun. A big thank you to my wonderful friend Tiffany for supporting me on the day!
Finally if you would like to donate to Behind Closed Doors the charity I ran for you can do so here: https://www.justgiving.com/Louisa-RodriguezUltraRunner/
Frostbite 30 website: http://www.never-rest.com/