Written by Stephen Cousins - http://filmmyrun.com

A year ago, Richard and I took part in the Grim Reaper Ultra 70 mile race. It was a step up for us. We had run the Brecon Beacons Ultra in 2014, which was 46 miles but we didn’t feel ready to make the leap to a 100 mile race. I mean it’s a hundred miles for goodness sake. So we settled on attempting 70 miles. The story of that race is here, suffice to say Richard won it and I came 5th after a major bonk at 30 miles.
One Century is Enough
This year we headed back to Lincolnshire with one plan, to beat our times from last year. We had initially planned to run the Grim Reaper Ultra 100 mile option but having completed the South Downs Way 100 just a few weeks before we decided one century was enough for this year! We agreed it would be more interesting to try and better what we did last year and bang out the 70 mile race again. Our friend Gemma, whom Richard had just about beaten into second last year, had signed up to do the 100, so we felt a little bad dropping down to 70, but we knew we could still support Gemma on the course.
The Grim Reaper Ultra is a race which is growing in popularity. It’s held in the beautiful surroundings of the Grimsthorpe Castle estate near Bourne, Lincolnshire. The house and gardens are open to the public and it is certainly a very picturesque setting. The main building is a cross between a castle and a stately home and overlooks a lake and the vast estate on one side. The entrance gates are approached on a long drive lined with trees and lush green lawns.
My Wife as Crew
On race weekend the lawns on one side of the approach are used for camping and are covered with tents of all shapes, sizes and colours. There are three race options. You can run 40, 70 or 100 miles on a 10 mile course round the estate. The loop includes a variety of scenery and terrain which keeps it interesting. There are no aid stations en route but at the end of the loop you have access to your tent and there are some basics on offer at the registration tent, such as crisps, nuts, bananas and water of course. You can also get a coffee if you don’t mind waiting six hours for the kettle to boil.
This year, Richard and I were lucky enough to have my wife crewing for us. Victoria would be there to have hydration and nutrition ready for us and to make sure we didn’t hang around too long at the tent at the end of each loop! The three of us arrived on the estate a little late in the day after a stop start car journey from the south coast and a huge burger and chips meal at an Ok Diner on the A1. We had to set up the tent in the dark, but at least it wasn’t raining.
No Film Required
With race start not until 9:30 we had plenty of time in the morning for breakfast, photos, registration, clothing and kit prep. We were able to get hot water from the registration tent for our mini porridge pots and there was plenty of bottled water for us to use. Registration involved collecting a race number and a little device for clocking in to the checkpoints on the course, which was attached around the wrist. I had decided that, as I filmed last year’s race, I wouldn’t be filming this time. So I had no batteries, SD cards or cameras to mess with. I had various changes of clothing if needed and my Salomon Hydration vest. I have recently taken to using the soft flasks in the front of the vest rather than the bladder in the back. For the first lap I filled both flasks with water.
Keith, the Race Director, gave the briefing just before 9am. The way the tents and registration area is set out means that as you finish a lap, you most likely pass your tent on the way to clock in at the end of the lap. You would then have to back track to your tent to refuel or change or whatever. It made a lot more sense to us to take time at the tent first and then essentially leave to go out on the next lap passing the registration tent to clock in and then out immediately after. We confirmed with Keith that it was ok to do this because we were convinced the rules were different last year.
Ildylic Location
The Grim Reaper Ultra starts at the top of the hill which leads down from the castle to the lake. It sounds idyllic and indeed it is. The race was started with the loud crack of a whip at 9:30 and we were off. Richard went off like a crazy man, as did Adam Holland who was doing the 100 but set off like he was running a marathon. I had a plan to complete each lap in around 1 hour 40 minutes and I wasn’t going to be drawn in to going after Richard. He would complete the first lap in 1:21!
The course drops down to the lake and snakes round the edge before leaving the tarmac and climbing a dirt track. This track meanders through fields and a small wood emerging back on a tarmac road for a mini climb to the forest section. This climb is easily runnable in the early part of the race but becomes a definite walking section later on! Once off the tarmac the climb can be muddy and slippy but it’s not long before you come out to a wide open forest and a long, straight, flat part of the course, where you run on soft grass for about a kilometre.
Varied Terrain
Out the other side of the forest and there’s another section of dirt road which winds for what seems like forever before you turn right on to an old railway line. This is a lovely part of the Grim Reaper Ultra course, along a cool, tree-enclosed, high-sided path. You run for a mile before passing under a bridge. Soon after comes the first checkpoint half way round the loop. You take your dibber thingy and pop it in the device. Once it beeps you know it’s logged you. Then comes the worst bit of the course. Believe me, as the laps tick by this next section becomes the bit you just have to grind out. It’s a 5k section of tarmac heading from the furthest point away on the loop back towards the castle. It’s flat and mostly straight and seems to go on forever. You can see the castle in the distance for much of it too. There is a very welcome downhill at around 4k and once you get there you know you’ve nearly done it.
Finally comes a left turn back on to the grass on the opposite side of the lake from where you were at the start of the race. You run a hundred metres by the lake side, over a ford and then left, up a gradual incline in a field to the second checkpoint, 3k from home. There’s another gradual descent through corn field and another climb in to another small wooded area, a final field and then the last kilometre on a path through the woods to the driveway of the castle. Running up the drive with the castle in front of you is a welcome sight even at the end of the first lap! Other runners, crew and supporters all clap as you make your way along the driveway. It’s a good feeling.
Moving through the Field
I took my first lap nice and easy and kept to pace. When I got to the tent, Victoria told me that Richard was already 15 minutes ahead, but that I shouldn’t panic and should stick to the plan. One part of the plan was not to spend very long at the tent at all. Last year I spent far too long feeling sorry for myself at the end of each lap and I was determined to keep aid station stops to a minimum this time. One quick drink of Coke and I was off for lap 2. Contrary to what we expected the sun was out and it was getting very warm. I passed Gemma at some point on the second lap and she was suffering and worried she might not make it round the 100. At the end of the first lap Richard was in the lead in the 70 mile race and I was 7th. However, over the course of the second lap, although I was keeping to pace, I seemed to be passing an awful lot of people. I thought I must be moving up the rankings at least one or two places. The thing is, without asking as you pass, you don’t know who is running 40, 70 or 100 miles.
By the third lap I had got Coke in one of my soft flasks, I had eaten a baby food sachet and had consumed one mug of Huel. I was determined to try and keep the bonk away as long as possible! This time last year I was really starting to feel it and was completely done in by 30 miles. Thankfully no such problems in 2016. I got to 30 miles and still felt like I had energy to keep running. I had also decided I was going for a swim! Last year on every loop we passed a spot next to the lake which was perfect for going down to the water’s edge and perhaps dipping your toes in the cool water. Well, it took me all day but on lap 6 last year I couldn’t resist any longer and I stripped to my pants and waded in. It was lush and soooooo refreshing.
Can’t Resist the Water
So on returning to the Grim Reaper Ultra I made it my mission to get in that water as often as possible. Despite going out with the intention of racing and trying to get a decent place, I just could not say no to that water. I deliberately took a spare pair of pants in my backpack on lap 3 and when I reached the spot, about 4km from the end of the loop, I stripped to my pants and socks and dived in. I only spent a minute or two submersing myself, but it was wonderful and I’m sure it put a spring in my step. I obviously lost a bit of time but it may be that in fact I gained time because of how fresh and alive swimming made me feel. Victoria had told me at the beginning of lap 3 that I had moved up to second place. When I got out of the water the only people who had gone past were quickly caught and passed again soon after, and I don’t think they were 70 mile runners anyway. I went in the water again on laps 4 and 5.
We had agreed that when we were approaching the end of a lap that we would text or phone Victoria to let her know what we needed and she would have it ready for us when we arrived at the tent. Towards the end of lap 3 I phoned and was surprised to learn that Richard was still there. When I got to the tent Victoria told me that I was definitely catching him. A quick coffee and a fill up of the flasks and I was on my way again. I was half expecting to see Richard up ahead at some point round the loop, but I didn’t see him until the next time I arrived at the tent, after 40 miles. He was almost ready to leave, so I tried to be ready in time to leave with him. I didn’t quite manage it and he sped ahead as we left the checkpoint.
Catching Richard
I was running quite well. I was running the first part down to the lake and up the dirt track, but by now I was walking up the tarmac climb and up to the forest at around 2 miles. I was ok running through the straight forest section and all the way along the railway line. I would then stop and walk for a few metres after the first checkpoint before starting the long road run. My reward for running all the way along the road was my swim at the end. It was so hot that I ran half of lap 4 and all of lap 5 shirtless, and although my hydration vest did rub a bit, I think it was worth it. Once the swim was done, it was a very short climb to the second checkpoint and from there it really felt like I was almost home. It certainly helped breaking the loop in to sections like that in my head.